
FMBR Patents And Awards

IWA Innovation Award Project

In 2014, JDL’s FMBR technology won the IWA East Asia Regional Project Innovation Award for Applied Research.

R&D 100

2018. JDL’s FMBR technology won the America R&D 100 Awards of Special Recognition Corporate Social Responsibility.

MassCEC Pilot Project

In March 2018, Massachusetts, as a global clean energy center, publicly sought proposals for innovative cutting-edge wastewater treatment technologies around the world to conduct technical pilots in Massachusetts. After a year of rigorous selection and evaluation, in March 2019, JDL’s FMBR technology was selected as the technology for the Plymouth Municipal Airport pilot WWTP project.

Edison Awards

2023. JDL’s Wuning wastewater treatment project won the Silver Award of Edison Awards in Sustainability, Green Remediation.

FMBR Patent